13 Feb, 2025
🥚Egg of The Month / February 2025!

â—† Heal III / IV (Mystical variant): Heals a portion of hero HP (40/50%).
â—† Aim III: Increases the chance of making a critical hit by up to 30%. When you make a critical hit, the critical damage is increased by 50%.
â—† Aim III: Increases the chance of making a critical hit by up to 30%. When you make a critical hit, the critical damage is increased by 50%.
â—† Pyramadon provides 2000 or 4000 (Mystical variant) EXP when used as material to feed another pet.
â—† Pyramadon provides 2000 or 4000 (Mystical variant) EXP when used as material to feed another pet.
Pyramadon is now available at the Pet Market, located in Town.